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Whānau support

We value the importance of whānau and friends in the journey of tāngata whai ora and taiohi to  being well.

Feeling connected helps wellbeing

Whānau, friends and community provide the much-needed connections, love and support that a person needs on their journey to enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing.

We encourage tāngata whai ora and taiohi to involve whānau, friends and significant others in their recovery and care. Everyone’s journey is different however, and we fully respect that it’s everyone’s own personal choice about who is involved in their care, how and when.

Support for whānau and friends

It can be distressing when someone close to you is experiencing mental health or alcohol or other drug challenges. If you’re whānau or a friend of someone we’re supporting, it’s likely you’ll have lots of questions. We’ll do our best to provide you with the information and resources you need, so you can help support your loved one and look after your own wellbeing also.

It’s also good to know that our services are free.

We’ve put together a list of other organisations you can access for additional support.

Keeping connected with Harikoa

We produce a magazine called Harikoa to help keep whānau and friends of the people we support updated. It celebrates who we are and what we do, and includes stories from our regions.

Read and download recent issues.

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