Engaging the senses to experience wellbeing

Published: February 14, 2025
Amanda Meinhardt
Practice Lead
Sensory modulation is an evidence-based practice that is an integral part of our organisational fabric. It supports people to recognise their sources of distress, identify their early warning signs and create a personalised plan to regulate their emotions.
By engaging the senses—through things like music, deep breathing, pleasant scents, or cooking—people can create safety and control in stressful situations.
As a trauma responsive organisation, we know that sensory modulation supports recovery and wellness.
Through the ongoing implementation of a sensory plan, we’re seen firsthand that people have reduced anxiety, increased self-awareness, improved social interactions, better sleep, and an overall enhanced quality of life.
In 2022, we developed our own sensory modulation training to equip our kaimahi with the skills to guide the people they support through sensory modulation.
We’ve now added sensory preference cards to our in-service toolboxes.
These cards provide a visual and tactile way for tāngata whai ora to create their personalised sensory plans.
When you visit one of our whare, you are welcome to ask about the cards. Have a go at exploring how they can help you consider what makes you feel your best.
The development of the sensory preference cards was a collaboration between kaimahi Māori, peers, and clinicians, reflecting the collective expertise and lived experience within our teams.

Sensory modulation kits can be found in most of our services
Kia akiaki te hauora o te tinana
Kia akiaki te maramatanga o te hinengaro
Kia akiaki te kaha o te wairua
Kia akiaki te hononga ki tou whakapapa
Tihei mauri ora
Let us encourage total wellbeing
Let us encourage strength of mind
Let us encourage strength of spirit
Let us encourage meaningful connection
to whom I belong
— This story was first featured in Harikoa magazine (issue 3, 2024).