Tēnā koe
Nō Whakatū au
Kei Te Waimea ahau e noho ana
Ko Davis tōku ingoa whānau
I joined Pathways in 2021 after four years as the Manager of a retirement village in Nelson. I bring a passion for wellness and supporting people to achieve successes and be their best selves whatever their age.
As a registered nurse, I have worked across a range of paediatric and mental health clinical roles during my career. Most of my previous mental health nursing and leadership roles have been in inpatient services in Nelson. Alongside these roles I’ve also been involved with professional standards in nursing through the Health Practitioner’s Disciplinary Tribunal for the Nursing Council.
I’m passionate about the mental health system being responsive to people’s needs. I love being a part of Pathways and Real, championing access to support and holistic wellbeing of the people we support and their journey.
I’m a husband and a dad to three beautiful young people and I love living in Nelson, the centre of New Zealand! From here I am a stones-throw away from the stunning Marlborough Sounds, where I thoroughly enjoy kayaking, fishing, and holidaying with my extended family.